Job Overview

  • Date Posted
    September 4, 2024
  • Expiration date
    September 20, 2024
  • Organization
    World Hope International
  • Required Languages
    English, Krio

Job Description



Call for Tender-Extension 

Bid Reference no. 001WE/2024
Contracting Authority World Hope International Sierra Leone
Deadline for submission of bids 20th Sep /2024
Location for tender opening World Hope Office Makeni-79 Teko Road


World Hope International (WHI) is a Christian relief and development organization working in approximately 20 of the world’s poorest countries to alleviate poverty and injustice for all people, using market-based and community-driven enterprise solutions. Since 1996, WHI has impacted more than 7.5 million people across 30 countries by implementing market-based and community-driven solutions focused on (Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Energy Services, Social Protection and Global Health, and other opportunities for vulnerable communities.


WHI began working in Sierra Leone in 1997, providing relief to victims of Sierra Leone’s civil war to alleviate poverty and aid internally displaced persons, including amputees who suffered at the hands of rebel forces.

Since 2007 WHI has constructed over 900 clean water boreholes nationwide, supplying clean water to over 300,000 beneficiaries. 

In 2023, WHI drilled and equipped 115 boreholes, one gravity-fed system supplying potable water to communities, Schools, Health facilities, and places of worship, and reached 35,750 individuals with hygiene and sanitation messaging. In addition, established and trained 805 Water User Committee members and 130 Community health workers.


WHI Sierra Leone is launching a “Call for tenders”– sealed tenders” and invites potential construction companies to carry out the construction the of Borehole head wall in Karene, Bo, Tonkolili, Western Rural & Urban Districts. It is on this background that WHI seeks a contractor to construct boreholes head walls in 70 communities which is subject to change.

Bill of Quantities- Karene District Only


Item Description Unit Qty Rate


Amount                      NLe 
1 Activity 1- Mobilization Of Works And Site Preparation      
1.1 Mobilization of project site management, equipment, materials, and project insurance as prescribed in GCC Clause 1.21. Payment shall be made on a prorated basis after being effectively mobilized on-site (up to groundbreaking) at each site. L.S. 1
Sub Total 1
2.0 Activity 2-Construction of Surface Structures
 2.1 Construct reinforced concrete wellhead structure including a well head wall with a 1.60m inner diameter, a good thickness of a least 10cm, and a height of 0.75m above ground level as per Technical Specifications. LS 1
2.2 Supply of all material and construction of a 5.40m wide reinforced Concrete Slab including a 150mm wide Drainage Ring and construction of a Drainage Channel (5m length) and a Soak Away Pit as per drawings and Technical Specification LS 1
2.3 Construct steel reinforced Concrete Cover for installation of hand pump type (supplied in Provisional Sum) as per Technical Specification LS 1
2.4 Construct a protection block wall with one opening around the well as per Technical Specification. Includes block work and 12mm thick 1:3 cement sand smooth finished surface to all exposed block work.  LS 1
Sub Total 2
Description  Amount                      NLe 
A Activity 1 Mobilize and Site Preparation 1
Grand Total


Bill of Quantities- Other Districts


Item Description Unit Qty Rate


Amount                      NLe 
1 Activity 1- Mobilization Of Works And Site Preparation      
1.1 Mobilization of project site management, equipment, materials, and project insurance as prescribed in GCC Clause 1.21. Payment shall be made on a prorated basis after being effectively mobilized on-site (up to groundbreaking) at each site. L.S. 1
Sub Total 1
2.0 Activity 2-Construction of Surface Structures
 2.1 Construct reinforced concrete wellhead structure including a well head wall with a 1.60m inner diameter, a good thickness of a least 10cm, and a height of 0.75m above ground level as per Technical Specifications. LS 1
2.2 Supply of all material and construction of a 5.40m wide reinforced Concrete Slab including a 150mm wide Drainage Ring and construction of a Drainage Channel (5m length) and a Soak Away Pit as per drawings and Technical Specification LS 1
2.3 Construct steel reinforced Concrete Cover for installation of hand pump type (supplied in Provisional Sum) as per Technical Specification LS 1
2.4 Construct a protection block wall with one opening around the well as per Technical Specification. Includes block work and 12mm thick 1:3 cement sand smooth finished surface to all exposed block work.  LS 1
Sub Total 2
Description  Amount                      NLe 
A Activity 1 Mobilize and Site Preparation 1
Grand Total



Well Head Works: –


Head wall works include the protective apron, Circular protective fence channel for drainage water, and the soak-away pit. It stands out above the surrounding ground, and it requires proper design and construction for stability of the soil and rock at the site, to support the hand pump and avoid potential seepage into the well from excess water from the pump (drainage water) and surface runoff from the surrounding areas. Proper care should be taken in mixing the concrete and reinforcements and allow them to cast properly.


In general, the head work for Boreholes should have the following:

    • A minimum of 3 m diameter protective apron of a height of 0.1 m above the surrounding ground surface. It should have a gradient of 1:20 towards the drainage channel. It should be cast into a concrete mix ratio 1:2:4 reinforced with 6mm horizontal and radial steel rods. It should be allowed to cure for at least 21 days before commissioning. The following should be inscribed on the Cover Slab with a stencil of letter size 70 – 80 mm:  Completion date, well depth, static water level, and a Well Identification number. The Well Identification number will be provided by the WHI Engineer
    • Should have a cover slab reinforced with 8 mm steel rod at 150mm c/c and a concrete mix 1:2:4 and the Pump stand should be imbedded in it. It should be fitted with a lockable steel lid set in a frame and hinged so that it can be opened if the pump breaks down. (see attached drawing Annex 1),
    • The drainage channel should be 4m long 200mm wide and 50mm deep and it should terminate in a soak-away pit of 1000 x 1000 x 1500 mm.
  • The excess or drainage water is directed to a soak-away pit or underground cistern.
  • A protective ring wall of half-sized concrete blocks 1.5m high. The block size is 225mm x 225mm x 150mm and should be bedded and jointed in cement mortar mix (1:4) in stretcher bonds. The fence should be finished with smooth plaster of (1:4) cement mortar mix. 


Health and Safety


Essential Safety Measures


  • Water Supply and Supervision: All laborers should be provided with potable water for drinking and boreholes and similar work must be planned and supervised by competent staff.
  • Sanitation: facilities or arrangements should be provided to eliminate any risk of workers excreting or urinating around the well area.
  • There must be agreed signaling arrangements and adequate supervision, control, and attendance at the wellhead at all times when work is taking place. Safe and easy access to the well area should be provided.
  • Safe and appropriate well construction techniques must be used work areas be made safe when workers are not on-site to prevent people and animals from entering.
  • Good and regularly checked equipment should be used (ropes, ladders, lifting gear, tripods, skips, etc.). Good quality tools and tool handles for pick-axes, sledge hammers, etc should be provided.
  • Essential safety equipment should be used including safety helmets, harnesses for lifting out injured personnel, gas detection equipment, etc. Goggles and dust masks should be worn for stone cutting, and ear protectors if using air hammers. First aid training and equipment should be part of the overall safety measures.


Vendors are to submit bids to the address below.

World Hope International (WHI)


         79 Teko Road


    1. All prices must include applicable government taxes, transportation, and delivery costs.
    2. The vendor shall provide fixed prices for the duration of a contract period of 24 months from the initial date of signing the contract.
  • NB: To be accompanied by a proforma invoice.
  • Your bid should contain a maximum of 20 pages inclusive of the WHI tender dossier.


Bidding will be conducted through an open tender procedure.


  1. The bid is for WHI projects in the above-mentioned districts.
  2. All logistics, handling, and transport of the construction material from the location of origin to the construction sites is the responsibility of the contractor.
  3. The bidder must have a valid registration and permanent office.
  4. All bid prices shall be quoted in NLE only.



  1. Bids shall be delivered by hand to the WHI office in the location mentioned above. The bidder is required to register upon submission of the tender documents.
  2. All bids (sealed), in English language only must be delivered to the WHI office at the above-mentioned address by 4:00 PM,20th Friday September 2024. Late bids beyond this date and time will NOT be considered.

Bid documents must be clearly marked “Invitation to bidders – WHI-Borehole Headwall Walls

The procurement committee reserves the right to reject unsealed and incorrectly marked bids.




  1. . Bidders must attach copies of valid company registration documents as listed below
  1. Certificate of Incorporation.
  2. Ministry of Public Works Registration Minimum Class 11.
  3. Tax Identification Certificate.
  4. Tax Clearance Certificate.
  5. District Council Certificate.
  6. Evidence of similar construction works executed previously should be attached.
  1. This Invitation to Tender document and Instructions for Tenderers document must be completed and         returned together with your quotation document.
  2. Proposed works schedule.
  3. 4. Failure to provide or complete the documentation required may lead to disqualification.


The committee shall undertake a selection process based on the following parameters:


Criteria Max Score
Compliance with the tender requirements and instructions 15 points
Reliable cost/price estimates for each of the areas specified under the specifications above. 30 points
Demonstrated experience in similar construction works 45 points
Availability and feasible estimated completion time frame. 10 Points


Thank you,

WHI Sierra Leone Procurement Committee



Date of issue: 12th /08/2024
Closing date: 20th Sep/2024
Tender opening: By WHI Procurement Committee


WORLD HOPE INTERNATIONAL, Sierra Leone Makeni Office




Dear Sir/Madam,

Further to your inquiry regarding the publication of the above-mentioned invitation to tender, please find              enclosed the following documents, which constitute the tender dossier:


A – Instructions to tenderers

Annex 3: Tender Submission form (to be completed by the tenderer) Annex 4:  Invitation to bid.


In order to enable the tenderer to complete the forms (Tender submission form and technical data form) electronically a copy of these documents can be forwarded in a PDF format upon request. It is strictly forbidden to make alterations to the printed text. The tenderer will be bound to the original text in accordance with the document forwarded in PDF format or by letter.

  • Instructions to tenderers


In submitting a tender, the tenderer accepts in full and without restriction the special and general conditions governing this contract as the sole basis of this tendering procedure. Tenderers are expected to examine carefully and comply with all instructions, forms, contract provisions, and specifications contained in this tender dossier. Failure to submit a tender containing all the required information and documentation within the deadline specified will lead to the rejection of the tender. No account can be taken of any reservation in the tender as regards the tender dossier; any reservation will result in the immediate rejection of the tender without further evaluation.

  • Scope of supply and related services:


The subject of the contract is the construction of the Borehole Headwalls.

  • Delivery and Project location

The construction works will be carried out in the above-mentioned Districts. The cost of materials, labor, and transportation cost should be included in the financial proposal.

  • Specifications:

Tenderers must comply fully with the requirements set out in the tender dossier (technical data form) and conform in all respects with the other instructions. Deviations from the specifications may be considered only if deemed to be in the best interest of the Contracting Authority.

  • General:

The construction works will be carried out in the above-mentioned districts.

  • Cost of Tender:

The tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his/her tender and the Contracting Authority will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tender process.

Clarification of tender documents and additional information:

Tenderers may submit questions in writing at the latest on the date specified in the timetable in article A.5., specifying the tender no. and the contract title. Information regarding the interpretation of this Invitation to tender must be requested in writing to the Contracting Authority’s contact person.


Tenderers are not allowed to approach the Contracting Authority for oral clarification.


Any clarification of the tender dossier given by the Contracting Authority will be submitted to all tenderers at the latest on the date specified in the timetable. If the Contracting Authority provides additional information on the tender dossier, such information will be sent in writing to all other prospective tenderers at the same time where this is practical.


Any prospective tenderer seeking to arrange individual meetings during the tender period with either the Contracting Authority and/or any other organization with which the Contracting Authority is associated or linked may be excluded from the tender procedure.

Planned timetable:

The Contracting Authority reserves the right to alter the dates and time in the following timetable, in which case all tenderers will be informed in writing and a new timetable will be provided.


Date Time
Deadline for request for any clarifications from the

Contracting Authority

23/08/2024 4:00PM
Deadline for submission of tenders (closing date) 20th September 2024 4:00 PM
Tender opening session  TBD TBD
Contract award TBD TBD
Contract start As soon as possible TBD


All times are in the time zone of Sierra Leone.

Eligibility and qualification requirements:


Tenderers shall in the Tender Submission Form attest that they meet the above eligibility criteria. If required by the Contracting Authority, the Tenderer whose tender is accepted shall further provide evidence satisfactory to the Contracting Authority of its eligibility through certificates issued by competent authorities in its country of establishment or operation, or, if such certificates are not available, through a sworn statement.


Tenderers shall also be requested to certify that they comply with “Child Labor” of the General Terms and Conditions for Supply Contracts.


To give evidence of their capability and adequate resources Tenderers shall provide the information and the documents requested in the Tender Dossier.

Exclusion from award of contracts

Contracts may not be awarded to tenderers who, during the procurement procedure:


are subject to conflict of interest.


Are guilty of misrepresentation in supplying the information required as a condition of participation and eligibility in the tender procedure or fail to supply this information.


Perform, condone, or tolerate corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices, regardless of whether such practices can be attributed to this tender procedure.


Attempt to influence the evaluation committee in the process of examination, clarification, evaluation, and comparison of tenders, to obtain information on how the procedure is progressing or to influence the Contracting Authority in its decision concerning the award of the contract.

Language of Tenders

The tenders, all correspondence, and documents related to the tender exchanged by the tenderer and the Contracting Authority must be written in the language of the procedure which is English.

Documents comprising of the Tender:

The Tenderer shall complete and submit the following documents with his tender:


  1. a) Tender submission form (annex 3) with supporting documents and other relevant information that should be made known to the Contracting Authority.

  • Price:

The price quoted by the tenderer shall not be subject to adjustments on any account except as otherwise provided in the conditions of the contract.


Prices shall be quoted in NLe only.

  • Validity:

Tenders shall remain valid and open for acceptance for a period stated above and before the closing date for submission.


Prior to the expiry of the original tender and validity period, the Contracting Authority may ask tenderers in writing to extend this period.

  • Submission of tenders and closing date:

Tenders MUST be hand delivered to the office below on or before the closing date and time as specified in Annex 4 above. Any tenders received after that time will not be considered. Tenders MUST be submitted in a sealed envelope bearing the following information:


World Hope International (WHI)


         79 Teko Road


Submitted by (name of company):
Contact Person:


NB: To be accompanied by a proforma invoice


Information required by the contracting authority: Information to be entered by tenderer in the below


Please state full contact details of the Tenderer
Office Location:
Financial Proposal/Quotation Annex
Company experience
Implementation for the entire project


Company information
Parent company (legal name)
Street name and no.
Postal code
Phone no.:
Fax. no.:
Project Engineer (name)
Director (Name)
Other contact (Title & Name)


General information
Nature of business – please enclose

complete product information in English.

Year of Establishment
Number of full-time employees
Licensing Authority
Licence number (VAT no./TAX I.D.)
Does your company have a written?

statement of its environmental policy?

Please state in which languages the technical

documents are available:

Working language:


Signature & stamp:

Signed by:


The Tenderer :
Name of the company :
Address :
Telephone no. :
Fax no. :
E-mail: :
Name of the contact person :
Date: :

NB. Attachments – Please check carefully before submitting your tender that you have prepared all the documents required in the instructions to Tenders article “Documents comprising the tender.”


Annex 1: Drawing