About Candidate

Dedicated and result-driven Community Relations Officer with experience in developing and
maintaining positive relationships between organizations and communities.
Project Coordinator with 3 years of experience developing strategies to promote the organization’s
mission and build a strong team of leaders, with proven ability to capture opportunities for growth and
establish lucrative relationships with key vendors and partners.
Great understanding of the principles of Monitoring and Evaluation with the ability to differentiate the
different data collection methods that are used Using M&E frameworks in daily projects Implementing
an effective project using Monitoring and Evaluation tools.
Compassionate Community Health Worker with 5 years of experience, committed to helping community
members improve wellness through hands-on support and education in order to combat maternal and
infant mortality through community engagement and health education sessions.
Professional Information Education Communication (IEC) Officer adapts to coordinating training on
Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) paperwork and specific community-based
resources. Exceptional in administrative duties such as organizing meetings, communication skills,
and planning business abilities with an organized and thorough nature.
Supply Chain Officer -A highly focused and comprehensive understanding of supply chain, procurement, logistics,
and warehousing. With a proven record of successfully employing best business practices that improve efficiency,
and reduce operating costs whilst increasing performance, all at tight time scales and within budget.
Skilled in Community Digital Data Collection And Reporting maintaining high-quality data and improving
performance standards. Experience in Needs Assessment before any project implementation.
Highly skilled and experienced Movie Director, Screenplay Writer, And Content Creator.Innovative Storytelling,
Compelling Narratives, Graphic designer, And Video Editor. Musician and Writer, and also CEO of Comfort Zone
Entertainment Movies And Music
