INVITATION TO BID – for Construction of Borehole with hand pump and solar submersible pump systems

February 27, 2025
Application ends: March 19, 2025

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Job Description




Epidemic Control and Reinforcement of Health Services Phase III

February 25th 2025

(BMZ No 2018 68 512)


CARE Sierra Leone has received financing from the German Government through KfW toward the cost of the projects “Epidemic Control and Reinforcement of Health Services Phases III (ECRHS III)” and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract(s) for the procurement of Borehole construction.

CARE Sierra Leone now invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders for Construction of Borehole with hand pump and solar submersible pump systems for the proposed Basic Emergency Obstetric and Neonate Care (BEmONC) Centre in Malambay community, Mambolo chiefdom, Kambia district in Sierra Leone. 

The works will include construction of borehole system, installation of hand pump, construction of well head, apron, drainage, soak away and perimeter fence (Refer to Terms of Reference). 

The work package will consider all aspect of the work as one lot i.e. borehole construction and installation of pumps and civil works.

Bidding will be conducted by means of the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedure with qualification as specified in the KfW Guidelines for Procurement of Goods, Works and associated Services in Financial Cooperation with Partner Countries (“KfW Guidelines”).

Interested eligible Bidders may obtain a complete set of bidding documents as enclosed with the Invitation for Bids and any further information from CARE Sierra Leone, Attention: Senior Procurement Manager – Mary Fynn, email: &

Bids must be delivered by Hard Copy and Electronic Copy (per guidance within the complete bidding document) to the address indicated in the clause ITB 22.1 of the bidding documents on or before Wednesday 26th March 2025 at 12:00 GMT. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the bidders’ designated representatives.

All hard copy of bids should be dropped at our CARE’s Head Office 11 Old Railway Line, Tengbehtown, Freetown


All Bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security.

Term Of Reference 

ECRHS Borehole Construction with Hand Pump and DC Solar submersible pump for Community Health Centre (BEmONC) Site, Malambay, Kambia Districts in Sierra Leone.

Background/ Context of the Program

CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty, and achieve social justice. As an international non-profit organization, CARE is known everywhere for its unshakable commitment to the dignity of people, knowing that we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities. CARE in Sierra Leone has been operational since 1961 and has developed strong partnership with government through line ministries, donors, NGOs/CSOs and other development partners.

CARE has been implementing a bilateral grant from the German Government through KfW since November 2015 because of the West African Ebola outbreak in 2014. The Epidemic Control and Reinforcement of Health Services (ECRHS) project has been implemented since then and currently in its third phase which began in April 2022 and will be executed until March 2025.

CARE seeks to implements the ECRHS III program focused on Borehole Construction with hand pump and DC solar submersible pump installation for Community Health Centre (BEmONC) Facility in Malambay community, Mambolo chiefdom, Kambia District in Sierra Leone. It is upon this backdrop that CARE is requesting for bids from suitably qualified vendors and contractors for the execution of such construction and installation works.

2. Objective of the Assignment

The objective of this assignment is to engage qualified vendors and contractors for the borehole construction and hand pump and DC solar submersible pump system installation works for BEmONC Facility in Malambay community, Mambolo chiefdom, Kambia District in Sierra Leone.

  • Location of sites with other details needed:
NoDistrictChiefdomCommunity/PHUGPS Coordinates 

4. Terms of Reference for the Service Provision

The project requires the services of companies and service provider to undertake detailed construction and installation works, procurement of all materials, unit components and other needed items, in the project locations specified above and as agreed upon by CARE Sierra Leone.

Such companies with sound knowledge and experience on Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS). It is required that ESHS General and Specific Requirements signed by the Bidder are submitted as provided for this purpose in Section VII – Works Requirements, 1 b) Specifications for Project Area Environmental, Social, Health and Safety Management (ESHS).


In addition, capacity building training for operations and maintenance focal points (WASH Management Committees), personnel-in-charge including relevant local stakeholders (e.g. DMO, DHS, etc. as may be needed). 

The services rendered shall ensure that appropriate construction and installation are adopted with due consideration to factors such as technical standards, specifications as well as alignment to international and national standards in the locations and spaces available and provided.

5. Works Organization and Specific Requirements for Service Provision per Location.

The construction works described as follows for appropriate contracting purposes.

  • Lot # 1; Boreholes construction at Malambay community, Mambolo Chiefdom, Kambia District in Sierra Leone (Borehole Construction with hand pump, DC solar submersible pump and construction of apron, drainage, soak away, perimeter fence, reticulation connection of sub-pump to elevated water tanks)

Summary outlined in the table below:

1LOT 1 – Borehole ConstructionPhase 1 – Boreholes constructions at the following location:

Malambay Community, Mambolo Chiefdom, Kambia District, Sierra Leone.

Borehole construction (60-100m) with hand pump installations making provision for the submersible pump riser pipe with a temporal stopper fitting.

Civil works consisting of construction of apron, drainage, soak away and perimeter fence 

2Phase 2 – DC Solar submersible pump installation and reticulation connection at:

Constructed Borehole in Malambay Community, Mambolo Chiefdom, Kambia District, Sierra Leone

DC Solar submersible pump procurement and installation including all accessories, fixtures and fittings.

Reticulation connection of borehole submersible pump to elevated water tanks.


5. Scope of Work

The following activities will need to be undertaken to help meet the objectives of the project. 

  • Detailed understanding (including site visits to project sites) and tendering for the works as advertised.
  • Procurement/ lease of all material, tools, equipment, manpower and any other needed for execution of the works
  • Borehole Drilling and Construction
    • Conduct Construction and Installation works
  • DC Solar Submersible Pump installation and reticulation connections:
  • Work supervision, final inspection and commissioning (including warranty period)
  • Capacity building training for operations and maintenance focal points

6. Deliverables and timeframes

  1. Implementation of approved Environmental and Social Management Plan before, during and after caring out the actual borehole construction and all installations.
  2. Construction of Borehole fitted with hand pump system making provision for the submersible pump riser pipe with a temporal stopper fitting.
  3. Construction of well head, apron, drainage, soak away pit and perimeter fence for the constructed borehole.
  4. A maximum of 8 – 12 weeks is estimated for completion of the deliverables. 
  5. There will be a work planning guide and template provided within the bidding document for completion and submission for evaluation and approval.
  6. Upon successful contract signing, there will be final consultation and revision of the work plan at the request of CARE for approval and implementation.

7. Service provider eligibility

The service provider must provide evidence of: 

  1. Necessary documentation of registration/accreditation from relevant government authorities for Business/ installation system in Sierra Leone 
  2. Sound Technical and financial Proposal; and the ESHS General and Specific Requirements signed by the Bidder as provided for this purpose in Section VII – Works Requirements, 1 b) Specifications for Project Area Environmental, Social, Health and Safety Management (ESHS).

A Bid not comprising the signed ESHS General and Specific Requirements and Environment and Social management plan (ESMP) shall be rejected.

  1. Prior experience in completed supply, installation, testing, commissioning, and handing over of similar works for at least 4 years implementation (2020 – 2023).
  2. Use of environment-friendly, cost-effective, and genuine equipment and materials from reputable equipment/component suppliers that conform with available and appropriate national and international standards.
  3. Safety construction solution and overall aesthetics consideration in the design and implementation.
  4. Flexibility and a shared vision for the project outcome are essential since the work will be undertaken in close cooperation with the district health and project team members.




All bidders shall provide evidence of the following documents/ justification for the proposed bid: 

  1. Average annual financial amount of construction work over a period of three (3) years (Between 2020 to 2023 period and with a proof of completion certificate bearing contract value signed and stamped by each client) of at least two times the value of the Bid.
  2. Experience as prime contractor in the construction of at least five (5) years’ work of a nature and complexity equivalent to the Works over the period of four (4) years (from 2020 to 2023 Proof, signed and stamped completion certificate from each client).
  3. Essential equipment required for the project either owned by contractor (provide proof of ownership) or lease agreement that can suffice or both.
  4. Liquid assets and/or credit facilities, net of other contractual commitments and exclusive of any advance payments which may be made under the Contract.


The following schedules shall be submitted with the Bid: 


  1. Letter of Bid and the Bidding Forms
  2. Technical and Financial Proposal
  3. Bill of Quantities
  4. List of key personnel including their CVs
  5. List of similar works executed with pictures, location address and references
  6. Schedule of work (high level work plan)
  7. Schedule of Materials/ Procurement plan
  8. Equipment schedule (owned or planned lease)
  9. Workplan of implementation of the assignment


The Bidder shall submit with its Bid the following additional documents: 

  1. Valid Business Registration Certificate
  2. Valid NRA Certificate
  3. Valid NASSIT Certificate
  4. Valid Borehole Construction License (from the Ministry of Water Resources)
  5. Declaration of undertaking (To be Requested from CARE)
  6. Valid Ministry of Works Certificates 
  7. Valid District Municipality Certificate



Given the objectives, scope of work and expected outputs of this assignment, the Bidders are expected to possess relevant qualifications and extensive work experience in the Construction of Borehole Services.