Job Overview

  • Date Posted
    June 7, 2024
  • Expiration date
    June 13, 2024
  • Experience
    5 Years
  • Gender
  • Qualification
    Bachelor Degree
  • Organization
    Plan International
  • Required Languages

Job Description




Plan International is an international humanitarian, child centered development organization, independent, with no religious, political, or governmental affiliation working in 72 countries worldwide. In Sierra Leone, we are implementing programs on education, gender equality, disaster risk management, nutrition and responsive care, youth economic empowerment and child protection. We strive for a just world, working together with children, young people, our supporters, and partners to advance children’s rights and equality for girls.

Plan International, in collaboration with Open University (OU) is implementing the Teacher Training for Inclusive Girls’ Education (TTIGE) project in Kailahun District, Sierra Leone from 2020 to 2024. The TTIGE project aims to support the education system in Sierra Leone by filling a critical gap in the teacher workforce. The project seeks to provide young women aged 18-26 years from rural communities with an accessible route to becoming qualified teachers. The project equips participants with practical teaching experience as Learning Assistants (LAs), where they engage with children in schools while studying English and Mathematics, before eventual entry into and completion of the Teacher Training College (TTC) program to be successfully accredited and employed as primary school teachers. This approach aims to break the negative cycle involving a shortage of female teachers, low quality of education in under-resourced settings, and low aspirations for girls in their communities by providing young female teachers in rural schools who will inspire the next generation of girls (and boys) and help them learn and achieve their full potential. 

Objectives of Teacher Training for Inclusive Girls Education, as per the Logical Model (LM) are as follows:


Impact: Improved education and vocational opportunities for students and young women in Kailahun

Outcome 1: Vulnerable young women (aged 18-26) access alternative learning and develop professional work experience

Outcome 2: Young women trained through the work-study program have an improved ability to access a formal teacher training pathway.


Project Funding: The amount funded by the Donor Dubai Cares- USD 1,320,809.  The project period is from 1st September 2020 to 31st August 2024. The project is implemented by Plan International Sierra Leone Project Implementing and Influencing Area office (PIIA) located at Moyamba in Sierra Leone and coordination with the donor is done by Plan Canada.  The project is implemented in Kailahun, Eastern Sierra Leone. 

  • Objective of The Project Audit

The objective of this audit is to enable the auditor to express an opinion on whether:

  1. The project financial report presents fairly, in all material respects, the actual expenditure incurred for the period will be for a period of 12 months (1st July, 2023-30th June 2024) and confirmed with the selected auditor; 
  2. The funds provided, in all material respects, have been used for the purpose intended in accordance with the approved budget, approved work plan and the requirements of the applicable contractual conditions; and
  3. The project books of accounts provide the basis for preparation of the project financial report by the project implementing agency and are established to reflect the financial transactions in respect of the project. The implementing agency maintains adequate internal controls and supports documentation for transactions.


  • Standards and Guidance

The auditor would carry out the audit of the project in accordance with the International Standards on Auditing (ISA) 800 as promulgated by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC). As part of the audit process, the auditor may request from the implementing agency written confirmation concerning representations made in connection with the audit.

  • Scope of the Audit

As stated above, the audit of the project will be carried out in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA) 800, promulgated by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), and will include such tests and auditing procedures as the auditor will consider necessary under the circumstances. The audit will be performed at the Plan International Sierra Leone, Country office and Programme Implementation and Influencing Area, as necessary. The contractual conditions for this project are set out in:

  1. Memorandum of Understanding between Dubai Cares and Plan International Canada Inc.
  2. Memorandum of Understanding between PISL and Open University, UK.
  3. Memorandum of Understanding between PISL and Eastern Technical University, Kenema.
  4. Outcome 1: Vulnerable young women (aged 18-26) access alternative learning and develop professional work experience. 
  5. Outcome 2: Young women trained through the work-study program have an improved ability to access a formal teacher training pathway.
  6. Dubai Cares Narrative Financial Guidelines.
  7. Change Request Forms.


Special attention should be paid by the auditor as to whether the:

(a) The donor financing has been used in accordance with the contractual conditions and only for the purposes for which the financing was provided.

  1. All necessary supporting documents, records, and accounts have been maintained in respect of all project activities. The auditor is expected to verify that financial reports issued during the period agreed with the underlying books of account.
  2. Assets procured from project funds exist and there is verifiable ownership by the implementing agency or beneficiaries in line with the contractual conditions.
  3. The audit report shall include the Emphasis of Matter paragraph alerting users of the audit report that the project financial reports are prepared in accordance with a special purpose framework and that, as a result, the project financial statements may not be suitable for another purpose. The auditor shall include this paragraph under an appropriate heading.

  • Deliverables
  • An audited Project Financial Report.
  • Reasonable assurance opinion over the use of grant proceeds and compliance in accordance with the contractual conditions. 
  • Management Letter as specified below.


Deliverables Expected Time Frame
Deadline for submission of Tendering 25th June, 2024
Opening of Tender and selection of contractors 27th June, 2024
Engagement of vendor and signing of contract 5th July, 2024
Period of Audit  30th July– 12th August 2024
Submission of draft report to Plan International 19th August, 2024
Feedback from Plan International  26th August, 2024
Submission of final Audit report 30th August, 2024

  • Management Letter

The auditor will provide a management letter containing, at a minimum, following in which the auditor will:

  1. Any weaknesses in the accounting and internal control systems that were identified during the audit, including any irregularities in the use of the funds and financial report procedures;
  2. Recommendations to rectify identified weaknesses;
  1. Management’s comments on the audit recommendations along with the timeframe for implementation;
  2. The status of significant matters raised in previous management letters (if applicable); and 
  3. Any other matters that the auditor considers should be brought to the attention of the project’s management.

Ideally, the management letter should also include responses from the implementing agency to the issues highlighted by the auditor. 

  • Available Information

The auditor should have access to all legal documents, correspondences, and any other information associated with the project and deemed necessary by the auditor. 

The auditor will be provided with full cooperation by all employees of Plan International Sierra Leone and the project implementing units, whose activities involve, or may be reflected in, the project financial report. 


Timeline: The audited project financial report, including the audit report, management letter and management has been stated under the Deliverables in note 4. 


Auditor’s Experience: The auditor must be authorized to practice in the country and be capable of applying the agreed auditing standards. The auditor should have adequate staff, with appropriate professional qualifications and suitable experience, including experience in auditing the accounts of projects or entities comparable in nature, size and complexity to the project or entity whose audit they are to undertake. To this end, the auditor is required to provide curriculum vitae (CV) of the personnel who will provide the opinions and reports, together with the CVs of managers, supervisors and key personnel likely to be involved in the audit work. These CVs should include details of audits carried out by these staff including ongoing assignments.


Independence: The auditor will be impartial and independent from any aspects of management or financial interest in the entity or project under audit. In particular, the auditor should be independent of the control of the entity. The auditor should not, during the period covered by the audit, be employed by, or serve as director for, or have any financial or close business relationship with the entity. The auditor should not have any close personal relationships with any senior participant in the management of the entity. The auditor must disclose any issues or relationships that might compromise their independence.


Plan International Sierra Leone (PISL) will receive the Auditor’s Report and Management Letter. In addition to the soft copy, the auditors will submit one hard copy of the report to PISL. The report will be in English. 


Prepared by:                                             Reviewed by:                                              Approved by:


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Edward Mansaray                                    Daniel Lartey                                              Muniratu Issifu

Grant Fin. Specialist                                 Country Finance Manager                       Country Director