Terms of Reference for Citizens Perception Survey Consultant

October 21, 2024

Job Overview

  • Date Posted
    October 21, 2024
  • Expiration date
    October 29, 2024
  • Qualification
    Bachelor Degree, Master’s Degree
  • Organization
    Commit and Act Foundation
  • Required Languages
    English, Krio

Job Description


370 Makeni / Magburaka High Way Northern SIERRA LEONE

MOBILE # +23276862533/ +23288323217

EMAIL: commitandact@yahoo.com


Title: Terms of Reference for Citizens Perception Survey Consultant

  1. Background

Commit and Act Foundation is a non-governmental organization founded in 2013 to provide psychosocial support to individuals, couples, women and children that have experienced sexual gender-based violence. The organization for the past years has been working with German Doctors to prevent girls from Female Genital Mutilation, respond and prevent girls from Sexual Gender Based Violence and also to empower adolescent and youths to access Sexual Reproductive Health Rights services in the three operational districts of the organization. (Bo, Bombali and Tonkolili)

With support from BMZ through the German Doctors, Commit and Act Foundation Sierra Leone is implementing CHOICE project to unlock access and affordability to sexual reproductive health right (SRHR) services for vulnerable groups, especially adolescent girls, women, and youths etc. in Bo, Bombali and Tonkolili districts. This project will contribute to addressing the problem through quality sexual reproductive health rights and family planning education in the three districts among the target groups. The project will also engage relevant stakeholders at all levels, ensuring their involvement and support to enhance sustainability.  

It is against this background that Commit and Act is seeking a qualified and experienced consultant to develop and conduct a Citizen Perception Survey for the CHOICE project that is “contributing to the reduction of sexual violence, teenage pregnancies, FGM practices and their negative impact on adolescent/women’s health in Bo, Bombali and Tonkolili districts of Sierra Leone through improved access to and increased use of quality SRHR services”. 


  1. Objective: 

The objectives of the assignment are:

  • to conduct a citizen’s perception survey on SRHR services to better understand the problems and barriers related to SRHR services in the 3 districts and identify priorities based on the collected data to be used for lobbying and advocacy work
  • to do a comparative analysis to be able to ascertain progress made since the inception of the project


  1. Scope of the work  

The consultant will be responsible for the following:

  1. Review the previous CPS and project reports 
  2. Develop, review and validate the survey tools.
  3. Develop training materials, including presentations, handouts, and exercises for the enumerators
  4. Develop scientific sampling approach for the data collation.  
  5. Conduct the survey based on agreed methodology and approaches
  6. Upload the perception survey questionnaires into a kobo collect
  7. Recruit, train and deploy enumerators for the data collection and ensure quality data collection.

Develop a comprehensive analytical report based on the findings, with recommendations and key areas for follow up.  


  1. Deliverables

The consultant will be expected to deliver the following:

  1. Inception report with a detailed work plan, that includes the survey design, methodology, scope, tools and approach as agreed upon. 
  2. Minutes of key meetings including interviews with survey respondents  
  3. Report of raw data collected from the survey. 
  4. Presentations of key findings at field level involving project team, community representatives and local authorities. 
  5. Comprehensive analytical report based on the survey findings including recommendations and areas for follow up.
  6. Final reports including introduction, summary of finding, methodology, finding on the quantified data as analyzed for the various responses, conclusion and recommendation as per the program output and activities.  
  7. Presentation of the findings from report. 


  1. Duration

The consultancy is expected to be completed within two months from the commencement date. (This is inclusive of inception meeting to the final report and presentation).


  1. Qualifications

The consultant should possess the following qualifications:  

  1. Masters or higher degree in Statistics, Economics or any other social science field with experience in data analysis, project management and evaluation.
  2. Extensive experience in the field of Monitoring and Evaluation, preferably in a relevant sector. 
  3. Strong analytical and communication skills.
  4. Familiarity with the specific context and challenges of Commit and Act Foundation and working in remote communities.


  1. Reporting

The consultant will submit a comprehensive report to Commit and Act Foundation through the Program Manager at the end of the consultancy period.


  1. Budget

The consultant will be required to submit a detailed budget proposal outlining all costs associated with the consultancy, including fees, travel, accommodation, and any other relevant expenses.


  1. Evaluation

The performance of the consultant will be evaluated based on the effectiveness of the training of the enumerators, quality of the report, and ability to deliver within the stipulated timeframe. Your remaining balance will not be paid if you fail to meet this requirement.


  1. Application Process

Interested consultants should submit their proposals, including a detailed resume, a cover letter outlining relevant experience, and a proposed budget, to The Founder and Country Director of Commit and Act Foundation at 175 Torwama Road Bo City or 370 Makeni Magburaka High way Makeni city or by email hannahbockarie2008@yahoo.com and copy the program manager edmondjbrandon09@yahoo.com. Closing date for all application is the 28th October 2024.


  1. Contact Information

For inquiries or further information, please contact the Country Director by email hannahbockarie2008@yahoo.com or by phone via +23276862533 or Program Manager by  edmondjbrandon09@yahoo.com or by phone +23278606800.